Klix Free

Feel free to repay the loan without overpaying Klix Free is a way to pay online for your goods and services with the basket value of more than EUR 70 based on a 36-month loan contract between the buyer and the lender. The relevant Klix Free number indicates the number of months set out in the loan contract during which the loan can be repaid without interest and any commissions. A Klix Free monthly payment is calculated by dividing the total cost of your goods by the relevant Klix Free number, i.e. into one, three or six parts, or the buyer may opt for paying a different amount within the relevant interest-free period. If a portion of the loan is repaid during the Klix Free interest-free period, the interest rate and other fees specified in the loan contract will be applied to the loan in the month following the end of the Klix Free period. Klix Free 3 example: Loan amount EUR 300. If the loan is repaid in full within three months from the date of the loan, the loan rate is 0%, APR – 0%, and the total amount to be paid by the consumer is EUR 300.
1st monthly payment 2nd monthly payment 3rd monthly payment
EUR 100
Any amount not less than the scheduled monthly payment
EUR 100
Any amount not less than the scheduled monthly payment
EUR 100
Outstanding loan amount
Please pay attention to the early repayment procedure specified in the loan contract. If the loan contract states that the loan is to be repaid by giving prior notice or submitting a relevant application to the lender, such procedure must also be followed when using the Klix Free opportunities.